About ME ♥

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Hi, I'm 胡静祎😊,

currerntly a MSc. student supervised under Geospatial Interlligence and Mapping Lab, at University of Waterloo. My interests include photography, handcrafting, doodling as well as cooking. I enjoy making things out from scratch.

Besides, I am an ISTP, and I have a fire sun & an earth rising which turn me into a bit of workaholic and quiet person. A fun fact about me is that I used to be an ESFJ.

I have 3 pets at home, a british short hair called “立秋”(Qiu), a dward bunny called "芝麻"(Zima), and a parakeet called "天天" (Tian Tian).

During my undergradate study, I made maps, digitized spatial patterns, and did site impact analysis of spatial features. Most of my UG works were focusing on 2D mapping and 2D spatial data processing.

Since I found myself have great passion in spatial data analysis, remote sensing, image processing & point cloud processing, I choose to pursue further study at UW for 3D data modeling.

My research interests include but not limited to spatial data analysis, LiDAR point cloud processing, 3D modeling, and deep learning techniques in solving geospatial-related issues. For instance, automating the process of mapping building footprints; remote sensing applications in environmental monitoring which support decision-making process in natural resource management (e.g., tree-line monitoring, forest degradation detection, permafrost change detection).

Specifically, my current MSc thesis work will focus on the development of transformer-based approaches to automate the process of 3D urban models and HD maps using LiDAR point clouds combined with earth observation images to support the development of digital twin cities and autonomous vehicles.


Conferences & Publications

Hu, K., Du, J., Gong, X., Ma, L., Li, J. A Comparative Study of Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Neural Networks in a GNSS-Denied Underground Parking Lot, accepted for presentation at the 31th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2023), 13-18 August 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa

Hu, K. & Li, J. Using Least Cost Path Analysis to Plan a New Bypass Route on Highway 401 to Mitigate Traffic Congestion and Impacts in the City of Toronto, Ontario, accepted for presentation at 31th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2023), 13-18 August 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa

Hu, K., Mahboubi, M., Chen, Y., Fatholahi, S. Indirect Detection of Permafrost Degradation in Eastern Alaska using MODIS and Landsat Data, XXVII FIG Congress 2022, 11-15 September 2022 in Warsaw, Poland.
